$80 試飲2支酒 X 如何挑選高CP百元紅酒

Cheung Sha Wan Private Club House Cheung Sha Wan, Cheung Sha Wan, KOW, Hong Kong

【一紅一白,7人成團。】1) Babington Brook Shiraz 2016 南澳洲明星葡萄紅酒2) Dr. ZenZenBernkasteler Kurfurstlay Riesling Spätlese 2015 德國晚摘甜白酒。係外面的tasting event,你一支酒只試到±50ml,好多時支酒未ready你已經飲晒,然後又sell你買酒,但支酒又試唔真,依到你將唔需要擔心,無人sell野,簡單識下朋友,飲下酒,並且袋多少少酒知識走。【注意:參加者FB add『Ynowledge CNS Start』as friend即減$20】   地點:在近長沙灣站5分鐘腳程的私人會所包房,在地鐵站集合然後行過去。請留電話,逾時不候。 請payme (tel. no.: 6359 5499)我留位。無payme可即場俾錢。 P.S.請大家花1分鐘幫我填份問卷:https://goo.gl/forms/N91XLqhaWP4RukNq2

貝多芬第三鋼琴協奏曲 François-Frédéric Guy Plays Beethoven

香港大會堂音樂廳 Hong Kong, Hong Kong

法國鋼琴大師紀弗朗 François-Frédéric Guy對德奧浪漫風格作品之詮釋早成為偉大的典範,在演繹貝多芬的作品方面毫無疑問更是獨具匠心,2017/2018樂季大師走訪巴黎、華盛頓、首爾及南美多個城市等演奏貝多芬的鋼琴奏鳴曲全集及全套協奏曲,好評如潮。大師首度訪港,將與香港國際指揮大賽出爐冠軍卡利及 Hong Kong Sinfonietta 香港小交響樂團演奏貝多芬的第三鋼琴協奏曲,樂曲充滿壯麗的氣魄,緩板浪漫典雅,顯露貝多芬漸趨成熟的寫作風格。 Described as a “hair-raising tour de force” by BBC Music Magazine, François-Frédéric Guy is widely regarded as a specialist of Beethoven, a pianist revered for his approach and technique towards German romantics. He has made appearances in prestigious festivals such as the Beethovenfest Bonn, Chopin Festival in Warsaw […]

流浪藝人•都市芭蕾 Les Forains,Ballet Urbain

香港文化中心大劇院 Hong Kong, Hong Kong

八位街舞好手重新詮釋1945年的熱門芭蕾舞劇《流浪藝人》,詩人導演高克多(Jean Cocteau)當年曾譽之為一場「真切的青春與舞蹈盛典」。這個描述流浪藝人在市集表演的精彩節目,在二戰結束後重燃了人們渴求生命的熱情,歌頌流浪藝人的技藝,仍然吸引著今天的表演藝術家。「變革舞團」 創辦人安東尼‧艾朱亞 Cie Rêvolution / Anthony Egéa,試圖重現原劇作曲家亨利‧索格的詩意境界,並邀請香港城市室樂團 City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong 在台下演奏,現場又配以DJ Frank2Louise 的電子音樂。 Eight hip hop dancers revisit the successful ballet Les Forains in 1945, as a tribute to this “true festival of youth and dance” (Jean Cocteau). The story about wandering artists doing their fabulous routine in a fair is […]

流浪藝人•都市芭蕾 Les Forains,Ballet Urbain

香港文化中心大劇院 Hong Kong, Hong Kong

八位街舞好手重新詮釋1945年的熱門芭蕾舞劇《流浪藝人》,詩人導演高克多(Jean Cocteau)當年曾譽之為一場「真切的青春與舞蹈盛典」。這個描述流浪藝人在市集表演的精彩節目,在二戰結束後重燃了人們渴求生命的熱情,歌頌流浪藝人的技藝,仍然吸引著今天的表演藝術家。「變革舞團」 創辦人安東尼‧艾朱亞 Cie Rêvolution / Anthony Egéa,試圖重現原劇作曲家亨利‧索格的詩意境界,並邀請香港城市室樂團 City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong 在台下演奏,現場又配以DJ Frank2Louise 的電子音樂。 Eight hip hop dancers revisit the successful ballet Les Forains in 1945, as a tribute to this “true festival of youth and dance” (Jean Cocteau). The story about wandering artists doing their fabulous routine in a fair is […]

EMW Fine Wines – 15th Anniversary Grand Portfolio Wine Tasting

CIAK - In The Kitchen Shop 327-333, 3/F.,, The Landmark, 15 Queen's Road, Central, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong

Join us for a celebration of our 15th Anniversary at Ciak - In the Kitchen in Landmark, Central! Over 200 wines from 13 countries available in the Grand Tasting! (The ticket could be cashback if you purchase over HKD $1,500 on site) Top Brand Selection: Champagne Duval-Leroy, France Vietti, Single Vineyard Barolo, Piedmont, Italy Ornellaia, Bolgheri, […]

Bettane+Dessauve & Ned Goodwin MW “Le Grand Tasting Awards”

Le Bistro Winebeast Restaurant & Wine Shop 141 Thomson Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong

On Wednesday 30 May from 6pm to 9pm, Le Bistro Winebeast has the immense pleasure to host Bettane+Dessauve and Ned Goodwin MW, wine critics at "Le Grand Tasting" for its launch in Hong Kong.The 3 renowned wine critics will be announcing the results of the first edition of "Le Grand Tasting Awards", highlighting quality wines […]

Sparkling Thursday

Beefbar Hong Kong 2/F Club Lusitano - 16 Ice House Street, Hong Kong, Hong Kong

This spring, Beefbar is the destination for a chic and fine Aperitivo drinks post-work or pre-dinner, with our new rooftop program: Welcome in the weekend a little early with SPARKLING THURSDAY, live DJ and unlimited boutique bubbles from the award winning Metodo Classico Bellavista Franciacorta, that got amazing personality and complexity, grace and lightness. The […]

Norrel Robertson Wine Dinner

Le Bistro Winebeast Restaurant & Wine Shop 141 Thomson Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong

On Thursday 31 May at 7pm, Le Bistro Winebeast is delighted to host Norrel Robertson, aka the flying Scot over a frapas dinner at HK$598 + 10% service charge per person to introduce his wines. Norrel Robertson is one of just three Masters of Wine in Spain. Originally from Scotland, Norrel Robertson has worked in […]

Cheval des Andes Wine Dinner

Le Bistro Winebeast Restaurant & Wine Shop 141 Thomson Road, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong

On Friday 1 June, Le Bistro Winebeast has the immense pleasure to host Cheval des Andes over a wine dinner. Lorenzo Pasquini, technical director, will be there to introduce their wines over a 4-course wine dinner at HK$798+10% service charge per person. Lorenzo started his winemaking career at Château Palmer in Bordeaux as assistant winemaker overseeing […]